Name: Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻 / Renee Wong
Date of Birth: Jun 18, 1993
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Blog: http://kulu.kaka.blog.163.com (inactive)
Weibo: http://t.sina.com.cn/wangjiayun11
About: Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻, is a 17 years old life-size walking doll born in Kowloon, Hong Kong but now lives and studies in Shenzhen, China. Only recently, Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻/王嘉韵 was a top searched keyword among the major search portals especially in South Korea. Most of her pictures were wildly circulated over the Internet where it reaches forums and sites across China, Taiwan and Hong Kong and she was instantly labeled as the live action blow-up doll (充气娃娃).

With large round eyes, sharp oval face, pointed chin, sexy body and thin long slender legs, it reminds me of one of the pretty Japanese anime or Final Fantasy game characters which is every guy's fantasy! Now, where can we order one!? While many claims that she is fake and used PhotoShop in creating those barbie looks, online users especially Koreans were particularly drawn to her almost "unreal" beauty, prompting a debate over whether the picture-perfect girl is a human or a doll.

And in her latest status message, she mentioned that she just wants a normal life and repays her parents by getting into college. She never wanted to be popular public figure. Teachers have called her up after seeing her pictures online and she couldn't describe how she is feeling at the moment. Amid growing controversy, Wang Jia Yun has shut down her personal blog.

Photoshop works wonders, and one piece of striking evidence is illustrated in the unaltered photos of a Chinese girl who created an Asia-wide buzz with her picture-perfect image.

Many netizens who praised Wang's Barbie doll appearance seemed disappointed in her due to the artificial photo editing. Well, maybe some of the pictures were photo-shopped but she doesn't really deserve all the hate comments and remarks.
One thing for sure, you can't really Photoshop a video right? Well, at least it's not that simple and we have a live moving Wang Jia Yun video here. Anyway, only the best of Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻 available here, all filtered by http://dailylenglui.asia.

oo she looks like a doll.. =]
nice boobs. but fake. hahahahahaha
What does she do for a living. It's strange that she's on so many different beds. She's really cute but I wonder what she really looks like. You can see the wiggly lines around her face where she photoshopped and the doors and walls don't have a straight line.
where she came from? anime, manga, this is 3D
Is she really a doll? :)
It's all photoshop. They found two old pictures of her where she didn't photoshop - it's the last two pictures:
What a disappointment! She's really just average without the photoshop.
I am amazed how stupid these people can be! Esp the girl. What the hell is she even thinking. The PS pictures aren't pretty, they are creepy and she's definitely selling herself (albeit the fake self) sexually to freaks... those korean guys.
Edited or not SHE'S GOOD in every way. She managed to manipulate korean men through fake pictures~
haiz..so nice..but fake also...dun ps la
In fact, she is not from HK, She is from Canton, P.R.China. But she was born in HK. So is not belong to HK S.A.R, P.R.China, she just belongs to Canton Province, P.R.China. The blog owner, u need note it...
Someone always think she is fake, but when she make a video about hers action, mayb these ppl will all become quiet..... I'm from Japan but I'm really can not understand why such as Malaysian Chinese call her "PS" or "Fake"? She was quite famous in Japan now. But few of Japanese said she is a fake. We know P.R.China, HK S.A.R and Taiwan as R.O.China very much.
Photoshop is too amazing! I guarantee 100% different looks if she didnt use Photoshop!
OMG nowdays girls so...
hahaha...fake or not, who knows?
i don't mind she's using PS or not..
i still enjoyed her photos...
Singaporean Said:
She look totally fake NOT original. She wear big eyes contact lens. Nose's 100% plastic surgeries and face also. and all the photos looks like got photoshop being a great editing software.
Plastic surgeries doctor said her eyes, nose and face is 100% totally plastic surgeries
No plastic surgery or contact lenses involved. All done with photoshop.
amazed at the photoshop skill!!!
It's obvious that the "pre-photoshop" girl is not her. She may have done Photoshop but that girl is definitely not her. Just look at that girl's body size and hair, it's obvious that they are two diff people -_-"
& I think her face is reallyyyyyy small and V-shaped, which enhances her features even more. Not to forget her big eyes with e help of lenses and makeup.
"pretty Japanese anime or Final Fantasy game characters which is every guy's fantasy!"
Its not every mans fantasy in the Western world. She looks like a child.
She's so obviously photoshopped. Its laughable that she's popular in Asia. What a joke.
Dear all please check it out her unphotoshop photo before and after or before plastic surgery real face http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/ent2690.html
I love how naive everyone is now. Just look at the visible changes in her cleavage and eyes and you can SCREAM Photoshop. It's not like she INVENTED editing pictures to make herself prettier. Geez..
What's even MORE funny than the fact that people can't fathom how she doesn't REALLY look like that is the 'Singaporean' comment about 8 comments up. Please bitch, I LIVE in Singapore and I can tell you right now that the Singaporean Chinese are about the phoniest lot I've seen. Not only are you guys physically phony, your character and social behavior is as well. I KNOW you SINGAPOREAN Chinese think you're superior to all other Chinese, but here's a shocker for you: you're not.
lovely photos. Get awesome daily deals at http://www.dealsinasia.com
Oh dear anon 4:10am... must have had some bad experiences with Singaporeans. I work and live in Singapore too... Well. All I can say is we're all phony one way or another. If you dislike Singaporeans so much... then don't live here.
If her photoshopped pictures can be this good... she probably looks OK sans-makeup/photoshop. Either that or she has awesome photoshop skills!
she is ugly without make up.
it's all because shallow minded people that photoshop bullshit fake ass stars like this one even appear.
:) she really look look like a doll. check out my page too if you dont mine. :)
It's a doll, you know right?
Like, this is not a living person.
freaky looking... in Korea, that look is the equivalent of Pamela Anderson's fake look in the US. Different looks, equally fake, yet a porn fantasy for some men.
are you guys like stupid? In this picture you can very obviously see that her body is photoshopped by the way the grill gate supernaturally bends that way. if only you guys had seen her surroundings instead of her face...
awersome photoshopping!!! I wished I had her skills!!!
if she's a doll, then why did she make such expressions? dumbass
for a 17 year old girl and she dress up so exposing? That really reflect what a person is she.
Beautiful in a sense but certainly not the kind of look that I want.
Are you kidding? Anyone who's ever messed around with photoshop will know those eyes are not real! Coupled with enlarging contact lenses and makeup... Her cleavage is not at all consistent and any idiot can see her skin blurried up in fakeness. Those might be wigs, too.
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l! As an artist, I say, Jia Yun is a "10++"
she's still super pretty even without make up, photoshop, etc!!!no wonder "girls these days" have to resort to such measures when society's expectations are so high :C if you don't want to be called ugly or whatever hurtful thing then there's no way around photoshop, circle lenses and tons of make-up. seems to me that a lot of people have completely forgotten about what a natural face actually looks like.
anyway, anonymous idiots who call her a disappointment are just angry cause they got pwnd XD
houston.... we have a boner :D
don't protest with a rude word please... shejust express her imagination about her... if you disappointed, how about she when you angry with rude words??? she must feel sad about that...
Too fake!! Just wondering how different she would be without photoshop and make-up.
all of u are jealous Jia yun's pretty face..
it's none of our business either she is fake or not!!!!!
if today ppl talk bout YOU like this, how do u feel????
well..i know iknow..
maybe all of u want to blackened her name..
itu manusia atau boneka??
Living Doll/Boneka Hidup.
I really adore her pothoshop skill.. I'm not a hatteranyway.. I'm learning pothoshop too, i try to make my photo or someone to look like doll, but i find it so hard.. Even i'm editing look like what her did in her photo, my edited photo still look like human not a doll.. Anyone know how to editing photo like her did? Please contact me : Rie_1t5m3@yahoo.com
Is she a human? Her face is more likely a doll.
I'm just curious cos when it comes in her face the photos just got blurred? What does it means? -__-
so sad. people do not stop to say things like this to this woman.can't you even think that you might hurt her feeling?
gila...gw pikir beneran...swt...photoshop...
foto asli tuh cewe jelek cuy....wkkwkwkwk
wait till she's married and has 10 kids ....
ta ad urusan ma xan oey....jgn jdi org kepo disini!!!!!!!!! mw jelek kek, ctk kek...leat ja muka u dicermin tuuh. apakah udah sangat super duper perfect..qta ta berhak menilai org lain, prnah blajar agama lum??? hanya Tuhan yang dpat menilai kita...remember it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
even if she has no make-up she is still a human being... you have no right to say she is ugly... are you people perfect?... i think you guys are uglier than my feet...
She is very lovely
someone commented that for westerners she looks like a child......... well for asians....she looks so pretty! and for asians, westerners looks like pinocchio! thats why asians doesnt like westerners
i noticed that in some of her pictures her boobs looks big, and in some pictures her boobs loos small
it's because it's edited but we should not discriminate it... it's still art...
hahaha...it's okay...I know your feeling guys...but that's not right to express your dissapointed...
by the way she's not look too bad with her original face...I still admire her...
Dear all,
Why are we insulting how this girl present herself, is just an art of beauty…
Furthermore, you get to see so many other different kind of model out there in world…
It just depend all your individual taste. If you feel don't like it, doesn't mean other need to be same like you…
Have you even thought of yourself?
How good can you rate yourself? Do you know what people think of you?
Can you attract million of people from whole worlds when you make up…
If really do, can you compare yourself with the real you how much different?
Actually what I can say after see this girl actual self without make up or PS, naturally she consider quite pretty, having nice face figure and body figure too...
What I can say is her beauty allows her to be further enhanced and become doll alike and famous...
Maybe seem too much and unreal...however that her style...
As you should know, not even everyone even though so call after make up or PS, however then they still can’t attract the world.
No matter Guys or Girls, i believe each us wish to make up to look nicer and presentable as well attractive when we face people, right?
That why cosmetic, facial product, beauty product, slimming product, organic food, and others all in the market now…
Just relax and enjoy...
You shall feel better in life…
Just think ahead on positive side
She has the best looking face, I've ever seen,anywhere. Better than any model out there. Everyone put makeups. Is a normal thing. Other celebrities does that too.
Without the makeup, 'ANYONE' will look ugly, but she still look good. At least she's honest to show her real, unedited picture.
She may be using PS, but she has to look good in order for the PS to work. Why don't u PS yourself and see how u look? I bet is worst than her without her makeup.
U people r just jealous of her, just like u did to Justin Bieber. There r different ways of seeing something. And remember, 1 man meat is another man poison.
malay nio maganda talaga yan... dba ,, walang imposible .. kaya wag tayung mang husga,,,
consciousness ADVISER: You have beautiful and very happy for him ... nothing is impossible .. and do artistic judgment us immediately at both .. yun lang .... thanks
Regarding the negative posters here regarding Wang Jia Yun 王嘉韻 / Renee Wong: I don't understand what you guys find so stupid, annoying, creepy, etc. about her. Truth is, as far as her photographic genre is involved (Dutch Wife), she's perfect. In fact she's hot! She apparently shut down her blog site due to your idiotic remarks!
.. nah ! she's so adorabLe !
Her Eyes...
So Big...
I keep staring at those....
even she is so "beautiful", the taste of making love with her or another women is same.. LOL
she just like a doll n i don't interested..
wew .. i want to meet her . wew i feel like ....wow ! blown out ! wew .. i guess she is my crush .. !
Her Pic are nice to look at... Even though it is just photoshopped.. Still i am amazed on how good she is in photo editing...
But what i don't understand is.. why is she always wearing Panties? or sexy shorts?
What is her job?
I can see some hair above her lips... She looks average without the photoshop indeed. Well, we gotta give her some credit for the fantastic photoshop works. :D
wow , whatever this is very interesting.see other kind of beauty in :
Honestly i think she's still pretty even without photoshop. What's amazing is her photoshop skills at her age, it's not easy to edit a photo to look like a doll.
photoshop or not i like her..
if you like someone like everything about her,dont become someone who has high expectation for someone and when you got disappointed because some minor issue you're switch go to the opposite way and bash/flame/troll her!
she's mine
è obvio que é ela, já cansei de ver coreanos assim, e se vcs nao sabem isso é real, podem existir sim pessoas igual a ela !
She kinda looks like a man o_o
she looks fake. :(
... WHY SO SERIOUS??? ...
take it or leave it...
just enjoy what life gave to u...
well i don't have any curiousness about her,, as she said, she wants a normal life and repays her parents. Wang Jia Yun is a great person, people says she's FAKE?! duh?!
Maria Angel Dela fuente ♥
I love it and I'll keep supporting you . .
I also love the stunning beauty to the virtual world too enthralled by your beauty . .
I believe that it is genuine and not the result fotoshop . .
Do not be sad if many are attacking you, they are just jealous of you because they do not have what you have . .
I'm sure you'll be a top model one day if you make it happen and if it is your ambition . .
I can only give advice and suggestions to you, no more and no less because I'm just an ordinary person who also has many drawbacks . .
I wanted to be like you, known, adored, preferred, and dreamed in cyberspace . .
I actually ongin a friend and want to know you closer . .
but it is not possible anymore because you have your blog shut down because so many are against you if your picture is the result of edits fotoshop . .
I'll be a fan of your weight and love you forever . .
his love of the fans weigh
She's not fake. She just did some plastic surgery on her face. Then, she puts on makeup. She took photos of herself and she edits them. She's fair alright, and white... plus with the brilliant editings, she can actually retouch her skin colour with the nude coloured object or a fairer spot or skin to her skin... She don't smile bcoz she chose a plasty to her lips and mouth that makes her look awkward if she smiles naturally like a human being. Bsides, she's loving the doll-face poses. And yea, we are all entertained... she's awesomely cute and we just cant deny it. She also cant put too much pressure on her eyes, bcoz it is fixed to be big and round. And if she wants to have the smile lines on her eyes and a normal natural smile, then she would have to wait longer for a few more years since her plastic surgery done to do that. In addition, she cant pressure her nose bcoz it might hurts her cheekbones. And too, hiding her rhinoplasty scars. And we all know that rhinoplasty-ers cant do the 'pig nose' .. source : myself by experiences.... *I still love her anyways(':
she is so beautiful when we met each other...
awesome cuteness
really pretty! although her head looks huge in some photos... and her eyes sometimes looks so big sometimes it looks freaky because of camera angle.. but still so pretty ^.^
i think it doesnt matter wear Lense....using PS ....i think we have to be positive thinking...actually and simply she succeed to be Girl who looks like a doll...its easy...well we guess she used to PS or any makeups...So What?? why is that wrong??? she make her look more beauty is that hurt u?? we have to appretiate all of her did...coz the topic is Girl Looks Like Barbie Doll...easy man
That's is really great post its all information is really very nice.
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